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ProcMod: Procedural Item Generator

ProcMod is a powerful procedural item generator. Connect modules to generate unique content.


Your Ultimate Tool for Dynamic Content Creation

ProcMod empowers you to create dynamic content that keeps players engaged. Whether you’re building a game, simulation, or any interactive experience, this tool will be your trusty companion! 🚀🎮

Generate Items or Entire Scenes:

ProcMod allows you to create both individual items and entire scenes. Whether you’re working in 2D or 3D, the workflow remains flexible. You can define rules and parameters to generate a wide variety of content, from simple objects to complex environments.

Simple Setup and Design:

ProcMod prides itself on simplicity. You won’t find heavy dependencies here. Instead, you work with your own prefabs. Set up your rules, connect modules, and let the magic happen. The straightforward design ensures that even beginners can dive in without feeling overwhelmed.

Save and Load Generated Items:

ProcMod lets you save and load generated items during runtime or within the Unity editor. This feature is essential for game development, procedural level design, or any application where dynamic content creation is crucial.

Embed “Detail” Modules:

For an extra layer of randomization, ProcMod allows you to embed “detail” modules. These modules can add fine-grained variations to your generated content. Think of them as the spice that makes your procedural stew more flavorful!

Programmatic Navmesh Baking:

Navigation meshes (Navmeshes) are critical for AI pathfinding. With ProcMod, you can programmatically bake Navmeshes for your generated scenes. This ensures that characters and NPCs can navigate intelligently through the environment.

Lightmap Baking into Prefabs:

Lighting plays a significant role in creating realistic scenes. ProcMod supports lightmap baking directly into prefabs. This means your procedurally generated objects can seamlessly blend with the lighting conditions of your game world.

Object Tracking / Cache System for “Infinite Terrain” Behavior:

Infinite terrain is a fascinating challenge. ProcMod tackles it by providing an object tracking and cache system. As your terrain extends indefinitely, this system ensures efficient memory usage and smooth performance.


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