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Material Group: Setup and Tutorial

Learn how to control material and terrain properties with the Material Group editor extension.

Date 27 May 2024
Getting Started

Material groups are contained in a Material System object. First, generate a new material system using the menu bar or right-click “Create” menu:

Assets > Create > Studio Bright > Material Group > Material System

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Material Systems can be of two types, “Material,” or “Terrain:”

  • “Material” Systems: Modify a mesh material when groups are changed.
  • “Terrain” Systems: Modify a terrain layer when groups are changed.

Each system has one list of “Slots.” Each slot represents a group of items that will be modified together.

  • Click the [+ Add Slot] button to add new slots:
    • Give each slot a descriptive name.
  • Click [+ New Group] to create a new material group:
    • Give each group a descriptive name.
    • Assign a material or terrain layer to each slot.
Tagging Game Objects
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Mesh materials are associated with Material Group system slots using “Material Tag” components.

  • Select a game object that has a mesh or skinned mesh renderer.
  • Click the [Add Component] button, and search for “material tag:”
  • Drag/drop an existing system asset into the Material Group System slot, or use the [New System] button to create a new system:
  • Each material on the renderer will show in a list under “Material Assignment.”

Choose a slot for each material you wish to associate:

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  • Optional: Select a default group and an event specifier to apply a specific group to this object automatically.
  • Material Systems with “Terrain” type are configured in the same way, but associate terrain layers with slots instead of materials.
    • Create terrain layers by adding them to a Terrain asset inspector:
      1. Terrain > Click the Paintbrush > Choose “Paint Texture”
      2. Terrain Layers > Create Layer
  1. New terrain layer asset will be created in the project hierarchy.

(Terrain Layer assets can also be created from the right-click Create menu.)

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Changing Groups

Material or Terrain Tags have a method in the component called ApplyGroup, which modifies the current group at run time. A group can be changed by using any of the following:

  1. Group Name (string)
  2. Group Index (number)
  3. Group reference (MaterialGroup object)
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Material System assets have a list of all MaterialGroup objects (variable name: groups). This list can be parsed by your scripts to manage and change groups as needed.

The sample scenes have examples of scripts that modify material and terrain groups by holding a reference to the Material System asset:

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